Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Zadol From Chocodot

You might often eat pizza, food-studded round dish with different kinds of vegetables and the other originally from the state Itaila. Yes, pizza is so verry delicious.

However, do you ever feel the pizza with toping Dodol Garut? Tama Chocolate is now not merely to explore the world of chocolate, pizza world began encroached upon by presenting new products that are labeled ZADOL.

Zadol Pizza Topping dodol, a food with new flavors that need to be tested. In addition Zadol Tama Chocolate also provides other classic pizzas that we usually consume.

Products Pizza that Tama Chocolate had launched divided into two flavors:

Sweet Pizza
1. Pizza Manas (Sweet Pineapple)
2. Pizza Masang (Sweet Banana)
3. Zadol (Pizza Topping Dodol)

Salty Pizza
1. Pizza Asmoo (Smoke Beef)
2. Pizza Assis Moo (Sossis Beef)
3. Pizza Astun (Tuna)
4. Pizza Embee
Zadol From Chocodot 100%out of 100% based on 5 ratings. 5 user reviews.

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